

A decentralised social platform built on FVM and using Filecoin storage . Also encouraging people to hold workshops, meetups, and other events (both free and token-gated) using the Huddle01 SDK.

Created on 3rd May 2023



A decentralised social platform built on FVM and using Filecoin storage . Also encouraging people to hold workshops, meetups, and other events (both free and token-gated) using the Huddle01 SDK.

The problem Huddlerr solves

Huddlerr, is a social graph built on FVM and Filecoin. It also includes the Huddle01 SDK, which facilitates communication and collaboration between users through features such as host meets and sessions, both free and token-gated, as well as following other users and liking posts. An user can randomly post stuff and create a meeting to discuss anything( discussion,random music discussion ) also they can create token gated/ members only workshop on the platform.

Some of the key features of our platform include the ability to:

  • Store user data and metrics securely on the decentralized Filecoin network
  • Host and attend virtual meets and sessions, both free and token-gated, using the Huddle01 SDK
  • Follow other users and interact with their posts, fostering a sense of community and collaboration
  • Easily share media files, experiences, and insights with others in a safe and secure way
  • Technologies used in our project include FVM and Filecoin for decentralized storage and Huddle01 SDK for communication and collaboration between users.
    By leveraging these technologies, we aim to provide a secure and decentralized social media platform that offers users greater control over their data and privacy.

Challenges I ran into

Throughout the project's development, I encountered some challenges, such as deciding on an architecture and schema for storing various data types like users, meetings, and so on.

  • I had to go through a lot of trial and error, which took up the majority of my time.
  • While using peers for room, I encountered some errors in the Huddle SDK.
  • When deploying contracts on FVM, I ran into some issues.
    Overall, this was an excellent learning opportunity for me. I learned a great deal about filecoin, huddle, and FVM.

Tracks Applied (2)

Social Platform

Huddlerr is an FVM-based social media platform that uses Filecoin storage. It provides an interface through which users ...Read More

Innovative Feature

Huddlerr is an FVM-based social media platform that stores data in Filecoin. It provides a platform for users to post ra...Read More


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