Mental disorders are among the most common causes of disability. The resulting disease burden of mental illness is among the highest of all diseases. People feel uneasy to share their thoughts to others. They hide their thoughts inside and act tough but it only deteriorates their body. They lack resources that can help them. Lack of awareness causes more problems as people undermine these things and don't consider them as "real" problems.
Huddle acts as a friend that listens and doesn't judge. It can provide resources that can help people with their mental illnesses. It also povides information about the places they can contact for immediate response. Huddle is a platform that solves a problem that is considered "not a problem" by a large population. So, Huddle acts as a awareness tool as well for people who want to learn more about mental health and mental illnesses.
Since this was our first ever Hackathon, we were all nervous during the start of the project. So some hasty decisions led to very tedious errors to fix. We couldn't figure out how some elements on the HTML did not position themselves as written in the CSS. It was simple but yet a hard one to spot. We also couldn't include line breaks in the JSON file. We later didn't include line breaks and instead used single lines in JSON and multi lines in the HTML. The use of JS was also confusing. When we were making the menu tab, the JS codes were running fine but when we embeded the map, it just stopped working. Later on, we fixed it creating different division in HTML.
Besides that, we faced some problem with the video background of the webpage too. The HTML and CSS had an extra element that made the video just not work. We fixed that later on. While recording the demo video too, we found some bugs. Simple bugs that can be solved easily but got stuck for about 1 hour fixing those problems and had to record the video again. It was tedious but all in all it was a fun experience. Would do it again.