Created on 12th February 2023
This website is implemented as a part of an End to End Machine Learning Project by Divansh Gupta and Tanmay Shukla to help users to get an estimate of house rent prices, without having to deal with granular details which need to be provided on other websites. The aim of this project is to provide a simple GUI and ease the search for rent prices of various houses in various cities using machine learning. This website provides an accurate estimate of the rent price for the provided inputs and if the user likes the estimate then the user may go ahead with the search on other websites. This website provides an accurate and up-to-date analysis of various aspects of houses in each city which aid users in making informed decisions. The website sources its data from a SQL database in the backend and retrains the machine learning models and updates the graphs every month to ensure that the predictions are accurate and up to date. This website also enables the users to contribute to the database by adding their own observations provided that they are accurate and credible enough
to be included in the machine learning models
There were a few challenges we ran into while building this project: