The most advanced and modern solution to ease all your hostel needs

The problem HOSTELio solves

  1. Students can find suitable hostelrooms in this pandemic era. and a complete picture of the room-structures they want via BLOCK SYSTEMS before booking.
  2. Sometimes students with low income or those who live far away from university are deprived of rooms due to unavalabilty.
  3. Easy monitoring and management of students and rooms for the admin.
  4. Handles any query/problem faced by the students with ease via chat interface.
  5. Students can order medical products or stationary items from our virtual cart or get locations of nearby stationary shops or medical stores using our integrated GPS system
  6. Face Recognition Attendance System automatically records the number of times students is going out of our hostel, the exact time when he has gone out and returned.
  7. Systems like mask detection and temperature monitor ensures COVID-19 safety among all the students and proper fine will be imposed if a students enter our hostel campus without wearing mask.
  8. Incase a student developes any COVID-19 vulnerability, he will be shifted to isolation wards inside our hostel campus and all his medical records will be maintained and proper doctors will be assigned to him or her. He/She can return back to his original room once he is cured.
  9. Students can pay via razorpay , bitcoin and celo while booking hostels or making any sort of transactions. Also the refundable amount can invested in crypto and bitcoin (if they want to)
  10. A virtual wallet will be there keeping track of all transactions.

Challenges we ran into

  1. We were facing a lot of difficulties while integrating bitcoin, celo payment gateway.
  2. We facing issues to redirect OTP authentication to our homepage
  3. The Google Map api (Javascript and Places API) was not working at first and then we fixed the issue.
  4. We encountering a lot of issues while deploying the web application
