Created on 28th February 2021
This project is all about Hospital management, People mostly residing in rular areas will use this application. This will be a simple user-friendly application that will ask user, what task it should perform. Currently, as of now there are three tasks, namely Adding a Patient into SQL database, Searching for a particular person and displaying the result, and Updating the information for existing patient.
This Desktop application can be even run by a people who is not so familiar with the computer domain and people who donot wish to use the sophisticated application with a lot of functionalites.
Along with this, This desktop application will run in most of the desktop environments like Linux, and Windows and doesnot require any special hardware component for it to run.
This Desktop application will ease the task of user for maintain and keep a track of records of patient. With this application they will no longer need not store the data manually in hard-copy format, instead all the data for a particular patient will store in database and and can be accessed through the same.
As we are all fresher in our team, so what happened was, we were having an idea but doesn't know how to implement it. We had gone through several websites but the thing was the coding was so hard to understand. So what we did was, we divided our code into diffrent parts. We made parts on the basis of which functionalities we will add and then started from scratch.
But still the thing was none of us was familiar with the concept of SQLite3 module of python and we don't know how to use it. So we tried to learn the basics, like creating a table and adding rows and column to it, writing values in that rows and column.
Then next thing we were stuck at was our searching part where we couldn't find the connection with the database file. After that connection problem was resolved we need to access the name and print a row with that name, we were totally confused how to print the values from database into a tkinter window, we searched through google and found out that rows can be accessed using list of tupple. So we iterate through every member and found a way to print it into tkinter window.
The next major difficulty we encountered was with git, none of us any idea of how to use git and github. So we tried to search the thing but couldn't find why the file was not pushing. So with help of my elder brother, we somehow manage to learn some basic stuff of git and in process we added, commited and pushed our project successfully.
All over there were challenges for us to overcome but we just didn't gave up and tried one more time and we are here at the end with an application we promised.