Hork Ok Please...

More power to the local truck owners


Hork Ok Please...

More power to the local truck owners

The problem Hork Ok Please... solves

Local businesses have many problems with logistics and supply chain. A prominent one is transportation of products via trucks.
Big businesses have a monopoly on the transport system. As a result, the small businesses suffer due to increased costs and inefficiency. We are building a solution through truck sharing i.e. local businesses can avail slots in trucks which have space available.
So the trucks that are already carrying loads but have free space left can offer the available empty space to the local businesses with small freight.
We are also providing optimized routes for truckers so that the downtime is not wasted and they get deliveries on return journey.

Challenges we ran into

Mapbox API was difficult to integrate with react.
Optimization API had lot of issues.
