Holistic Development

The goal of my project is to help kids, expressing their emotions and better visualization by clicking on different human emotions and also teach them to pronunce replacing conventional method.

The problem Holistic Development solves

Now a days, due to the digital revolution, kids have a huge access to the online platforms, for ex: YouTube to learn various things but that sometimes gives them the access to harmful and unnecessary content which kills their time and affects their development. Also our conventional curriculum of education only teaches them to learn numbers, letters, basic sciences etc., but very few moral values or emotions related studies are taught and therefore insufficient in the holistic development of a child. Feelings are complicated; it's hard to teach kids about feelings because it's a fairly abstract concept. It's hard to describe how it feels to be sad, scared, or excited. Kids learn these emotions through visuals, but the on-going pandemic has made them confined to their homes. Teaching your child about his emotions will help him/her become mentally strong. Kids, who understand their emotions and know how to control them, have strong coping skills to deal with them in a better way in their life. So to teach them about human emotions and how they should react to different human behaviours in a better manner, this website is being developed. In addition to it also they can learn those conventional subjects at one place providing a one stop solution to the children. These are the things which are the goal of this project which will help them to grow holistically. Although, there are some websites which help kids to learn these things, but what we feel so far that they need to be more user friendly rather than providing only teaching related course materials and everything should be taught, not only basic school work, that's why we feel our project is solving above stated issues of learning things in an effective way with very user friendly interface.

Challenges we ran into

We used Web speech API which is in experimental mode not compatible to every browser but we learnt how it can be compatible and how to use it. Being a beginner the tough task is to read MDN web Docs and then deploy it in our javascript code..Also we learnt how tough CSS actually is to make a user friendly website espicially for a beginner who has no experience in hackathon.

Future Prospects

At the present state, the website provides spells out whatever the child writes in the speech box, also shows emotions through a visually attractive way. There are some videos embedded in the website so as the children get access to the needful content only.
The future prospects of this project include:
• Providing a login id to each subscriber.
• Launching the app in both Android as well as iOS versions.
• Providing a test portal for the assessment of the child.
• Parents can also review the performance of their child in a real time basis through their own mobile handsets.
• This website will be very useful for the mentally hyperactive children and also for children who have speech disorder or are suffering disorders relating to understanding of emotions.

Technologies used
