Hit Beat

The Most Practical approach to learn BeatBoxing, beat by beat.

The problem Hit Beat solves

Music comes from practice not from books.
1.) After researching, we found there are 100's of youtube videos on Beat Boxing and Just by listening to the video & trying, you never know whether you are doing the beatboxing the right way or not?
2.) There is not even a single App where the Beat Boxing enthusiast can actually evaluate his/her progress and practise it the right way.
3.)There are 100's of different sounds in Beat Boxing like lip roller, Siren, clip roller etc and to master beatboxing in general, you need to work on every sound separately.

so to tackle these problems, Our Team: "Console.log()" has made an Educational yet fun product called "Hit Beat" by which the user can select a sound which he/she wants to practise and then just by listening to it (for say Clip roller) & recording it, the user will get a score out of 100. Now the user can keep practising that particular sound and try to improve the score(or you may say his/her BeatBoxing skill).

For Future work: We will be adding the Challenge Tab where Beat Boxers can challenge each other and will learn from each other. It will also make our business model stronger. (You can check our Github read me for Inspiration and all the other details.)

Challenges we ran into

1.) Extracting the audio signal from the audio file, given its file URL.
2.) Comparing the 2 audio signals based on multiples beatboxing factors
3.) Storing the large audio file on the server
4.) Implementing the audio recorder in Flutter.
5.) Connecting the flutter app with the API.
