Highfi ID

Highfi ID

Highfi , enabling quality customer relationships in web3

Created on 25th July 2022

Highfi ID

Highfi ID

Highfi , enabling quality customer relationships in web3

The problem Highfi ID solves

Currently support tools in the web3 is pretty minimal. The process is too long.

  1. To get support users would need to go to discord/telegram ,
  2. Find the right server,
  3. Find the right channel to speak with the support/community members.
  4. Once he finds the right person, he will then need to share his wallet address and the problem he is facing to the support.
  5. The support will then go search for the wallet in blockchain scanners such as Etherscan , Polyscan , etc.
  6. Scanners are developer-centric and most support staff do not understand them. This makes the developer also involved in the process of providing support which he doesn't really want to do.

As part of highfi , we want to provide a omni-channel support for the customers of web3. Whether it be support right at the dapp/website or in discord, Twitter our tools will be there to help provide the required support.

For the fellowship, I will

  • Build a better transaction decoding tool. A tool where you can enter a customer's address and a protocol and you will be able to see all the transactions the customer has done. This tool will decode the function calls, status and when it was called.
  • Integrate with discord tickets to view customer issues from the dashboard instead of discord.

For more details - https://shorthaired-fossa-31c.notion.site/Final-Proposal-89180a2b2ede448db6def1115d508b8e

Update 18/08/2022:

  • Had been working and fixing the bugs and added logs on the support dashboard the last week - https://dashboard.highfi.me/
  • I have revamped the chat popup, it should be out tomorrow - https://chat-example.highfi.me/
  • For this week and part of next week I want to get a better version of the transaction decoder out inside the dashboard.
  • Paused the highfi-ID building since it's not some problem that has been strongly validated.
  • Post improving the transaction decoder, I will work on implementing notifications using slack.

Challenges I ran into

Currently figuring out how to go about implementing multiple Oauth flows to connect the social identities.


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