A Cluster of Scenic Beauties



A Cluster of Scenic Beauties

The problem HIDDEN BENGAL solves

“Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”: Is a famous quote by Gustave Flaubert.
Every people love travelling but visiting the same place over and over eventually becomes boring. Some places are overcrowded whereas some palces are not known by the tourists.
The main problem we wish to solve is to help people know there are many places waiting for them to travel. It will also help boost the local tourism and the tourism revenue of a state can be increased.

Challenges we ran into

Being a first time participant in a hackathon we faced a few issues . Majorly we solved a lot of them via group brain storming virtual meets. We faced a major issue while making the home page responsive. We searched online about the possible help and suggestion for the same and succesfully overcame it. One issue we would like to specifically mention was that the user interface should be kept simple and easy to use. We tried keeping ourselves in the same shoes of an user and thought of how to design it to make it simpler for users.
We created the site both for mobile and desktop views.
