Created on 3rd July 2020
Technologies have already reached sky heights yet are always improving with each passing day because the needs and demands of the people are dynamically altering. Search and Rescue operations have always been a necessity after any mishappening. Special rescue teams are sent to the site to search for any person who may still be stuck and/or stranded and also to gather any important data that may be crucial for their studies on what actually caused the event to take place. Even though the efficiency of these teams are quite high, being humans we are limited by various factors which can be physical and/or mental which ultimately affects our performance overall. This is where the ‘Search+’ kicks in. It is a remote controlled Search and Inform Quad-copter which can be deployed in minutes and are extremely efficient in their carrying out their respective tasks. Search+ aids these rescue teams in searching for stranded people and notifying these teams about the real time position of the people. Search+ can be used to hover easily in areas that are difficult or perilous to access – such as steep terrains, hillsides etc. It serves as an efficient piece of technology and utilizes every second of your decisive time to get you the data you require.
Designing the Air frame to sustain the drag and lift forces was one of the major problems that I had faced while designing this quad-copter. Creating a complete solid surface body would have meant less aerodynamic capabilities aas well as increased overall mass which was quite undesirable. Leaving wide gaps in middle of the frame would affect the structural sustainability and reduced flight time even after having lesser mass than an all solid body. To overcome these problems used generative free formed meshing grid structure which provided for both; reduciing the overall mass while giving structural rigidity to the air frame. Also this meshing grid was free-fromed because of the fact that air does not flow in a uni-directional manner but rather in a wave form and hence when it strikes the surface of these meshing grid, the crests and troughs present in the mesh grid design would allow for smooth flow of air hence improving the aerodynamics of the frame.
Apart from this, I faced a few minor trouble in selecting the electrical components to be used for this micro-UAV. The calculation of various parameters such as thrust requirements according to the motor and propeller specifications, flight time, thrust ratio etc. I used the help of the web to select the components (references have been provivded in the attached document).