Helping-Disabled-as-a-Service (HDaaS)

A all in one package for helping the disabled . We have some innovative Services such as : 1.Mechanical Braille [converting text to Braille position] 2.tip-off wheelchair [preventing slope accidents}

Created on 28th February 2021


Helping-Disabled-as-a-Service (HDaaS)

A all in one package for helping the disabled . We have some innovative Services such as : 1.Mechanical Braille [converting text to Braille position] 2.tip-off wheelchair [preventing slope accidents}

The problem Helping-Disabled-as-a-Service (HDaaS) solves

Disabilities developed during birth and at a later age is a scarring unfortunate event .Fret not , with this hackathon we aim to create a really simple service that complements the already present systems to help the disabled.

All humans require equal abilities to tackle day to day problems hence a disability is some thing that needs to be solved.

Intro to project:

Q: What our project will do (relation to existing methods to solve the problem)?
A: Adding much needed features to already present solutions
few examples being:
1.adding a slope detector to a wheel chair
2.making a mechanical braille giving blind people a much more dynamic way reading
3.a easy to use transcribe service

Q: Is this all to the project?
A : No way! In the short 24 hrs given (and given I take my sleep quite seriously) this is all we can implement,we brain stormed a lot of ideas but had to drop them due to time constraints given we had a lot to learn too in the same time frame.

Q: solution to the problem?
A: A simple to use service (inspired by the one and only Aditeya Baral’s spongebob as a service and his infamous friend telling him he can’t make a service out of everything)

Challenges we ran into

we first planned on implementing speech to text serive in real time using google api, but dues to limitations imposed by google we had to then start plan on using DeepSpeech libraries, but we failed to find a simple implementation and hence we did not add it.

we had to keep the simpleness of the project in mind as this is a "service" and not a full blown out app.

we also planned on implementing ocr for text to braille but we never got to it cus of the same reason of keeping out serive just a service

Technologies used


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