Hedera Habibis

Hedera Habibis

Our goal was to showcase the strength behind the Hedera ecosystem, by automating news tweets about wallets with significant assets and holdings.

Built at ETHDenver 2024

The problem Hedera Habibis solves

People who are looking ot get into the crypto investing space usually have an overwhelming amount of guidance and resources, but no direction as to how to apply them. We thought that the best way for novice traders to get a hang of things was to follow in the footsteps of established traders and asset holders. With our service, they can enable twitter updates that will give them all of the key players on the Hedera ecosystem, allowing them to track their movements and follow their trading patterns and trends.

Our future goals with this project will be to create tracking algorithms that make note of large transactions, as well as transaction patterns within the wallets that we flag as useful and ones-to-watch. This will help us give an even better picture of the Hedera investing landscape, of which we personally are glad to be a part of, though definitely not worthy of being flagged by our algorithm,

Challenges we ran into

The most important thing when it comes to a data driven project was being able to extract transaction ledger data from the Hedera mainnet. Our original concept was to use a simple rest based API call, until we realised that due to the volume of calls we'd be making, it would turn out to be an extremely costly affair. Following this, we thought of using a mirror node, which seems reasonable until you factor in the volume of calls we'd be making, meaning that the reduction in cost would be redundant as it would cost too much anyway. Finally, after carefully searching the Hedera docs, we found an alternative in setting up a local node, which is free of cost and allows us to make as many pings as the program requires. This was a pivotal discovery, both financially and for team morale.

Tracks Applied (2)

Impact & Public Goods

Since our project produces public social media content that can help people make their own informed decisions about inve...Read More

Hedera BUIDLers Challenge: Imagine, Create, Hello Future

Our product makes clear use of the Hedera Mainnet transaction ledger book, SDK and REST APIs almost as if we created our...Read More


Cheer Project

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