Sedentary lifestyles which have increased since the pandemic, are pulling more and more people into risk of perilous heart diseases which in turn will accelerate the death rates mentioned above. Using modern techniques like machine learning, we aim to bring the best diaganosis and prevention tool to an ordinary person sitting in his home. Using best in class datasets, we've created dependable models that predict the health of a persons heart while limiting the questions to general health related ones.
Fitness devices are not affordable for all, so instead we can make use of only the internet and a smartphone. Early detection of heart issues can be truly life-saving. Users will be aware of what his/her lifestyle will lead to and hence incorporate healthy changes in their diet and exercises using the recommendations the app offers. Having provided a user-friendly UI experience, it's a joy to use the app for anyone who desires to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The toughest challenge we faced was to deploy the ML models using API. We tried many methods but the model was not working right. We were not familiar with Flask. So, we had to do a lot of extra references and finally, we did the task well and so we learned a lot of new stuff about Flask.