Heart Disease Predictor

A web application which uses Machine Learning algorithms to predict the heart condition of a user by providing some inputs about the user's health like age, blood pressure, cholesterol level etc.

The problem Heart Disease Predictor solves

It is seen that most people above a certain age are diagnosed with heart disease. In order to keep track of your heart condition whether you are diagnosed with heart disease or not, we created this web app. It uses a regression model to analyze the parameters provided by the user such as age, blood pressure, cholesterol level, thalassemia condition, max heart rate etc and predicts whether the user is diagnosed with heart disease or not. The model is trained using a dataset provided by Kaggle. Our model upon training gives an accuracy of nearly 85% which we plan to improve further.

Challenges we ran into

We used CSS to design the HTML templates. We used flex format and so ran into a problem while trying to align the text boxes, radio buttons and the paragraphs. So we had to spend some time in trying to fix the alignment and make the form presentable.
We used Flask and when we were updating the CSS or HTML files, flask was not rendering the new templates. Rather it was using the old ones from the cache. So to fix this bug we used dynamic cache.
