

Improving lives together ! Application based platform under SDG-3 of UN 17 Sustainable Developement goals .

The problem HealthyUp solves

Problem Statement
Medical blogs have become valuable information sources for patients and caregivers. Most research has focused on patients' creation of blogs as therapy.
Also prescription data are invaluable for healthcare research and intelligence, yet extraction of these data is challenging as this information is interwined.
All these are together summing up to cause problems in healthcare industry.

Our Solution
The following quote stresses the problem with illegible handwriting: ‘Doctors’ sloppy handwriting kills more than 7 000 people annually'.
Our idea is to develop an application which can solve the major problems in health care industry.
HealtyUp aims to bridge the gap between doctors and the patients by providing them a medium where they can scan their prescriptions, consult the nearby doctors in their area.
HealthyUp aslo gives the user a section where they read & upload blogs, articles, research papers related to healthcare industry.

Challenges we ran into

Figma was something new to our team. So, firstly we have seen the tutorial on you tube to deal with figma .
Then , importing the icons was the major task
as we were unable to search the icons.
But then we came to know about Iconify pluggins
and from there we started importing the required icons.

Turning figma screen into prototype was also a major challenge as the device used for prototype and the screens made were of different size.

Also, the algorithms used for filtering the prescription was something very new to us. We learnt abou 3-step Filtering Algorithm and C-Cube Algorithm for digitalization of the prescriptions.

Hopefully we have overcome all the challenges and prepared the prototype.

Tracks Applied (1)

Design & Solve

We have built the prototype of a healthcare application through figma , our application solves a real world problem rela...Read More

Technologies used
