

A one-stop solution to your health problems.

The problem Healthy-fi solves

People run into many mental health and physical health problems which are too expensive to diagnose in normal health facilities. Nowadays the major health problems from which a common human suffers are mental and psychological health issues, diabetes, heart-related problems, and COVID-19. Here, in this web application, we provide a one-stop solution to detect these problems.
Many people with mental health issues with others because mental health is still a taboo topic in our country. People are not comfortable sharing their mental health with people they know. Our web application is helpful for them as they don't need to interact with fellow humans to share their mental state and detect their status.
India is the diabetes capital of the world. Many adults and even children suffer from diabetes. Our web application is going to help them detect if they are diabetic or not, in the comfort of their bedroom.
Many people die in India because of heart-related issues in India. In many cases, people don't know that they had heart-related issues till their death. Our web application is going to help them detect if they have heart-related while sitting in their homes.
We have become careless but COVID-19 is still there and still mutating and killing people. Our site helps us the people with slightest of the symptoms they have COVID-19 or not.

We have tried to provide the solutions like music therapy, games, yoga, etc to these problems. We have also added various health-related blogs of professionals in the application.
Here, we have added a chatbot to guide the users through the web application.
We have trained four different models using bulk data to detect diabetes, stress, heart-related problems, and COVID-19.
We have only added authentification in the solutions' sections so that we don't store the valuable data of users while detecting the issues.

Challenges we ran into

We faced issues in fetching the datasets.
It was challenging to fetch a decent amount of data to train our model.
It was difficult to get proper accuracy from our trained model.
Increasing our accuracy to a decent value was challenging for us.

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