It helps in keeping all your medical data in the form of medical records that are sorted for you by the date you entered them on and easily made accesible , all your records can be edited and deleted at will when you want them , we provide a tracking function in the form of a chart , that can be used to collect all your data and be shown in a dynamic gaph for easy visulization of all the medical fields you might have entered in your records , so you can easily track your medical data fields like vitamin levels , blood pressure levels etc over a period of time and visualize all the data as well to access your situation.Can also be used for monitoring the menstural cycle , making it easy to detect irregularities and take action in women.Since it is a pwa , it does not have to be installed as an app , it can be directly added on the phone when you visit the website and works like an app as well as a website.
had bugs in authentication , it was due to incorrect conditional rendering of my react components and life cycle hooks , had problems making the chart to be dynamic with the selection inputs of the user , found the solution after parsing the data properly and applying some thoughtful logic , has some issues with setting up service workers for my pwa , solved it by using a bundler