

HealthPilot - The HealthVerse

The problem HealthPilot solves

As per the Lancet report 1.6 million Indians died due to poor quality of care in 2016. And nearly twice as many as due to non-utilization of healthcare services(838,000 persons) that is why we visualized making the healthcare system more mobile and easily available with 27*7 capabilities.
We have modernized our healthcare system through the following features:

  • Fun Bot: A chatbot that tells jokes to uplift mood and help cope with mental pressure.
  • Checker: A disease prediction system that predicts the possibility of having a certain disease based on specific chosen
    symptoms using our model's API.
  • Scheduling Appointments with Doctors: An online booking system for medical check-ups.
  • Doctor Login System - A system for doctors to manage their schedules and appointments.

Challenges we ran into

  • We faced difficulty while deploying the API: We had to ensure that our API was available to users and that it could handle a large number of requests. We had to set up a server and make sure that it was always up and running.

  • Finding a good dataset for a symptom checker: We had to search for a dataset that was comprehensive and accurate. We had to make sure that the dataset had a wide range of symptoms and diseases.

  • Finding a good matching algorithm for symptom prediction: We had to develop an algorithm that could accurately predict the likelihood of a user having a particular disease based on their symptoms. We had to make sure that the algorithm was reliable and efficient, and that it could handle large amounts of data.

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Our Web app can be a valuable addition to the health domain as it provides various features to help individuals take car...Read More
