

HealthBase is a medical documents managing app built on next.js framework with hardhat framework in the


The problem HealthBase solves

Mis-management of the documents leads to the more suffering of the patients and waste of critical time. With a view of better management of the medical documentation that no one should suffer from this .

HealthBase manages your Medical data and save it on the IPFS (on the blockchain) . With this You just have to register first after you have connected your wallet for the first time only thereafter , if you visit on this site for the second time you just have to connect to the wallet and you will be redirected to the documents page.

If you have made any typo during the registration you can always update it .

You can also upload your critical data , it will be uploaded on the IPFS and will be fetched from the same.

You can also delete the data if you want to clean the mess , Only you will be able to delete your own data you cant delete other's file , You cant see others file . You will be the Owner of your data and will have full control on it.

Challenges I ran into

It was the first time I was using the and in general IPFS as well , I have never used that before , so i just took some of the tutorials and with the help of the Docs (official) I have made this project , it was quit challenging for me.

One more thing that I would like to mention that If you refresh the page when you are on the Docs page . It sometime will not show your docs for that you have to see the last part of the video or you can also click the little home button in the navbar .
I tried many ways but cant able to find a way to solve that,

Same problem is with the Update section where it will not automatically update your details, for that you have to refresh and again have to click the home button to see your docs .
