Health Companion

Health Companion

One stop solution for all your healthcare needs.

Created on 27th November 2022

Health Companion

Health Companion

One stop solution for all your healthcare needs.

The problem Health Companion solves

We aim to solve the problem of tablet scheduling. Older people often forget to take tablets on time. We have built a hardware model that has LED's under pill bottles. At appropriate, preset times, the LED glows and a buzzer announces that its time to take a tablet.
We also solve the problem of doctor appointment scheduling. Doctors and Patients are given separate logins using Auth0. Patients can book appointments with doctors. Doctors are also able to view the medical history of the patients in a single use dynamic link. It is single use to protect the privacy of the patients and give them control over their data.
Another problem we have solved is that of calorie tracking. Users are to upload pictures of food they consume. An api returns the nutritional value of these foods. This is added up and tracked. Users can view the nutrition they consumed in a visually pleasing analytics window.
We have also made an ML based workout recommendation system which gives workout recommendations based on previous workouts.

Challenges we ran into

RFID didnt work for 3-4 hrs for unknown reasons. We tried a different scanner and also tried changing the microcontroller. It worked after a nap, the reason was we had the wrong connections :)

getting to log in users and doctors from the same page was a bit of an issue as it had to redirect back to a single page, but we had 2 different pages one for each. we fixed this by storing the type of user before redirect in local storage of the browser and reading it after authentication from Auth0


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