Health Bit

your health history

Created on 21st February 2021


Health Bit

your health history

The problem Health Bit solves

The vast majority of hospitals cannot safely share their data with each other, resulting in doctors spending more time writing than helping patients. Health Bit enables clinics and private medical practitioners to safely and easily access patient records, track and monitor patient progress remotely, and exchange information securely with colleagues.

Having a medical record history can help doctors easily diagnose patients more precisely as their previous illness can easily be known. In case of emergency, doctors can spend time treating patients rather than spend precious time doing pre-known tests such as Blood-group, history of Diabetes, Heart problems, and Blood Pressure.

With Health Bit, each patient’s interaction at the clinic goes into a secure record that any provider can access with permission. Patient privacy can be maintained as there is no need for hospitals to send or receive health records back and forth. Because the blockchain system is used to share crucial patient data safely among various healthcare providers, better and quicker treatment and prescription can be given to the patient.

This not only helps patients in case of emergency treatments but also helps doctors and health care providers to give more precise diagnoses and treatment to the patient. Also, keeping a secure and systematic record of data can help reduce operational cost and increase efficiency in the healthcare system where each second is related to someone’s life and death.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Debug application ran all the features but the release was having issues with the QR generation feature. The problem was solved by using a different plugin in the dart framework.

  2. Successful sharing of medical records was difficult while deploying it in Matic. The issues were solved with proper research and solution brainstorming.

  3. Time management was a difficult task as our teammates were all over the country and establishing communication was a hassle


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