Health and Medicines

To Get You Up and Running!

The problem Health and Medicines solves

With the ongoing pandemic, it's imperative that everyone remains at home and follows the correct protocols in this situation. Going outdoors should be minimized and done only when extremely necessary. Keeping this in mind, we decided to create an online platform for medical needs and devised a solution for the same.
This project tries to make the shopping experience as virtual as possible. One can now place orders and buy items online. The user can then head over to collect the item from the shop once the status of his order is 'Ready for Pick Up'. This eliminates the need of the buyer to stand in long queues and crowded environments to shop. All the concerned individual has to do is go to the shop, pick up their delivery and pay the required amount.

Challenges we ran into

This was our first hackathon on an online platform, so it took some time to adjust to the change. Previous hacks were onsite and discussions and coding the projects were easy. Now that we all were at different locations, it was tougher to collaborate. Thankfully, technology has also advanced and assisted us in these times. We used GitHub and Live Share for collaborating and fixing errors.
Coming to the project, we had this idea in mind for quite sometime, we just needed the right opportunity to bring out the best in us. Thankfully, this hackathon gave us that break and we could develop this site in no time. We did encounter minor bugs and errors here and there, but since we all knew the basics of web development and have worked on a couple of small projects, we could easily rectify the mistakes and finish it well before the deadline.
