
Your Health Online

The problem HealMe solves

Our website contains 3 parts which are divided into 3 pages-
1)About is a page that basically describes the purpose of the website .This website aims to act as a bridge between the needy and the specialists doctors .It presents you with knowledge of covid -19, its symptoms and the precautions you can take to fight this little virus.
2)Covid-19 tracker presents you with a live tally of covid-19 cases of various countries around the globe. It is enabled by a graph which is enabled javascript, Html, and CSS. It shows the live tally of recovered cases and total cases of a particular country.
3)Contact page has a form that takes your essential information when you fill all the entries of that form. This page also has a javascript-enabled map that points to the location of our resources which is followed by the footer which contains the information and mobile numbers in case of severity of any symptoms.

Challenges we ran into

We didn't know many frameworks as we are new to web development so we weren't able to make it responsive enough also we didn't have any designers with us so the UI/UX was not up to mark.

Technologies used
