
Here to Heal the world

Created on 12th February 2023



Here to Heal the world

The problem Healer's-Touch solves

Intensive care represents the highest level of patient care and treatment designated for critically ill patients with potentially recoverable life-threatening conditions. The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a separate, self-contained area within a medical facility, equipped with high-tech specialized facilities designed for close monitoring, rapid intervention and often extended treatment of patients with acute organ dysfunction. You are required to create an app which will show “Temperature” and “Humidity” of 2 ICU rooms for every 30 minutes from last day. The app should retrieve the data from a cloud. The data should be recorded by you from GSM Module(GSM data-logger is an IOT device designed to record temperature and humidity from built-in sensors) and Raspberry Pi should be used. Note: The data should be displayed through App only(You can show as much data as you can record in the provided time interval)

Challenges we ran into

Hardware issues, Pycgarm not working, Dart Not Working

Tracks Applied (3)

Ethereum Track

Blockchain based patient logger Wholesome hospital management system Environmental sensors


Environmental Monitoring

Blockchain based patient logger Wholesome hospital management system Environmental sensors

Electronic Health Recorder

Blockchain based patient logger Wholesome hospital management system Environmental sensors


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