
Your companion in your journey to Well-being



Your companion in your journey to Well-being

The problem Healer solves


  • Hustle and bustle in everyday life has made our life so hectic that we almost never spend time for ourselves and as a result of that, it degrades our mental, physical as well as emotional health. Engrossed in the work for hours and working sitting in same posture for hours in this online era due to covid has somehow degraded the lifestyle of many. More stress, work pressure, blooming rise in use of social media, Reduced face-to-face interactions and social supports due to covid - reasons like these sums up to drastic rise in mental health problems these days.
  • Additionally, due to above mentioned reasons, agressiveness and anger are highly common which actually affects the body negatively to a greater extent.
  • Spending even few minutes to dive into innerself can curb many of such issues.

Our Solution - Healer:

  • “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” — Buddha
  • Project Healer aims on taking care of Mental, Physical, Emotional health as well as works on uplifting the mood using verified and researched techniques.
  • Meditation section: It contains various famous meditation practices which aims to cultivate a totally happy state of mind and dive into innerself.
  • Workout section: Nearly one in three people with a long-term physical health condition also has a mental health problem, most often depression or anxiety.Taking time out to exercise from hectic schedule is highly important. So the workout section aims on improving the physical health.
  • Moodify section: Angry and bad moods generate toxins in our body and harms the body mentally as well as physically. The moodify section works on uplifting the mood of users by games and other such activities.

Challenges we ran into

  • Making the website responsive - we tried to work on our code so that it can fit any device.
  • Developing the Hack in 36 hours ! - this being the first hackathon we faced challenges in managing the time and implement all the features, but later sacrificing the sleep and working with dedication in teams helped to implement all the features we planned within the time limit.
  • Since we wanted to include useful content, so including well researched content in such shorter span was another bigggest challenge we faced. To tackle this we divided the work and sacrificed sleep so as to provide well researched content to the users.

Technologies used
