Head Position Detection

A Computer Vision project that determines the position of the head using the 468 face landmarks obtained using the Mediapipe Library.


Head Position Detection

A Computer Vision project that determines the position of the head using the 468 face landmarks obtained using the Mediapipe Library.

The problem Head Position Detection solves

This project can be integrated with a real-time Attendance Tracking System (i.e the attendance will only be recorded if the candidate has his head straight). This module helps us:

  1. Make the attendance tracking process less redundant and consume much less time as compared to manual attendance. Also increases the efficiency of the process under discussion.
  2. Use this module as an attention measurement metric for students sitting inside the class.

Challenges I ran into

It was a challenging task to determine a metric that could be used to calibrate the camera for the appropriate head position detection. With rigorous testing and several iterations of trial and error we were able to resolve the problem in hand.
