Hawkeye (Computer Vision)

License to Locate: Hawkeye, Your Ultimate Number Plate Mate!

The problem Hawkeye (Computer Vision) solves

Our project maintains records of detected number plates in our database and this data can be used to maintain security and can be used by authority or police personnel to carry out the operations it does not require any other high-end hardware component we just need a host computer which can be a normal windows computer and each logged in tab can be used with a camera and no other hardware components are required we can even use small raspberry pi or other equivalent small board computer or any other device which is capable of using an internet connection. Our project can help to manage traffic by using the infrastructure efficiently. Using our project we can observe the trends in the number of cars coming from different states and this information can be used to develop the infrastructure efficiently.
Our project can be used in law enforcement and our project can directly get embedded with the CCTV system.

Challenges we ran into

We encountered never ending list of challenges some of them are:
integrating our number plate detection model with the web.
Integrating the webcam / input camera with the flask
Enabling number plate detection in video
Later, we were able to overcome these challenges

Tracks Applied (1)

Open Track

We made this project using AI/ML and also web development. Therefore it is safer to say that our project can fit into op...Read More
