
Your personal social media assistant

Created on 23rd July 2021



Your personal social media assistant

The problem Hassle-Free solves

Managing social media profiles is not an easy task for people dependent on social media for their livelihood, generally called as influencers .Some of them can’t even afford to hire social media managers for this task. So, there is a need to find a way by which these influencers can manage their profiles without much hassle.

Hassle-Free is a project that aims to automate the social media handling. It will act as an automated social media manager which will be responsible for analyzing and improving the quality of content, predicting the reach of the content and taking necessary actions to create a safer online environment for the user.

Features supported:
Filter fake follower accounts
Filter negative comments on the post and deletes them
Predicts reach of the post
Suggestions for hashtags and captions
Repost the stories with profile tagged in them

Challenges I ran into

Collecting data for training the ML models was a challenging task as Instagram have restricted access to its private API for fetching users data. Also, scrapping profile data from instgram was also diificult because it requires session key which expires after some time so, using it was not a good choice because it will not work efficiently after deployment and will ask for session key of the user again and again.
I overcame this challenge by doing a great reasearch on different tools and technologies available to scrap instagram data and finally found a module that can scrap data by just taking username and password of the user.


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