Harmony Health

Harmonising your health


Harmony Health

Harmonising your health

The problem Harmony Health solves

Counting our calories intake is a good way to keep a check on our health.

A trivial method is to find the amount of calories in each food item using food charts

and keep a track of intake.

But keeping track of all this is quite tedious so people end up ignoring their health.

But what if there was a smart solution for this.

We at harmony health aim to reduce your effort and help you maintain

"Harmony with your health"

Our smart application helps you smartly track your calorie consumption and exhaustion.

Unlike other applications a user just needs to scan the food product and our application will calculate the calorie content and suggest whether the product is ideal for consumption or not.

Challenges we ran into

Unavailability of proper dataset based on Indian barcode.
Being a developer, using desinging tools for the first time was quite hectic. So we have to spend lot of time on that for geeting the perfect design for our app.

Technologies used
