
A Handicrafts e-commerce website built on blockchain and with react mainly used for the purpose of having a transparent platform between the buyer and seller with no hassles .

The problem HandyMade solves

It solves the huge and diversifying gap between the middlemen and the original sellers of the handicraft goods . Each good that goes through the middlemen brings a profitable amount to them rather than the makers themselves. To eliminate a barrier between the consumer and producer , this website aims in bringing different parts of india a step closer, one at a time. People are to use it for purchasing authentic handmade goods made by villagers whose livelihood is to sell these products. This website provides a platform for uniting all parts of india and showcase their hardwork to the people who appreciate art.
Our website would prove to be different from the other handicraft websites as we provide ethers as a mode of payment and make sure that the business between them is secure and transparent. Villagers who were once at a loss of money can now gain their rightful profit and people can now have a wider base for collecting art and exquisite handmade goods . We also focus on women who work day and night for making these goods and provide them monetory support to empower them.
Last but not the least , we wish our website can bring together a community without barriers and united by art.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges faced: general bugs, integrating react with web3js , trying to fix the issue where a persistent throw err; kept coming even though we updated and installed all packages which took us all night to resolve ( how we overcame it : we deleted all the duplicate files and installed all pcakages again !) , react with firebase login authentication.

Technologies used
