

Scribbles To Digits!

Created on 26th March 2023



Scribbles To Digits!

The problem HandWriteAI solves

Handwritten digit recognition model is designed to solve the problem of accurately and efficiently recognizing handwritten digits. This technology can be used in various fields to serve a multitude of problems such as

  1. Finance: Banks and financial institutions use digit recognition AI models to read and process checks quickly and accurately.
  2. Postal services: Digit recognition AI models can be used to sort mail based on the postal code or zip code, which is often handwritten on envelopes.
  3. Healthcare: Healthcare providers use digit recognition AI models to read handwritten medical forms, prescriptions, and other documents, reducing errors and improving efficiency.
  4. Education: Digit recognition AI models can be used to grade handwritten exams and assessments, to avoid human bias and error.

Challenges we ran into

Normid 2023 is very challenging as well as an exciting challenge, We got to learn many new technologies through this hackathon but also faced some challenges during this project.
We had to build an AI model using Python and since we were building a model for the first time and also not compatible with the programming language we faced difficulty to write codes as we did not know much about python libraries.
Creating a GUI was very difficult . It was challenging to use Tkinter to build our green board by adding features and buttons to it.
We searched through multiple research papers, YouTube videos and Guidance from Celestial Biscuit mentors to compile the immense amount of data available.


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