Dress me up

Our application with the help of AI and AR will assist the users to select products and create a 3D model of the themselves which will save thier time and hardwork.

The problem Dress me up solves

Nowadays, due to the colossal availability of diverse E- commerce websites and mobile apps, looking for a decent pair of clothing has became a hectic task. Moreover, selecting the right choice from a variety of products available online has become chaotic for our mind. Even after spending a lot of time wandering on the E-commerce websites and selecting the desired product, a doubt about its fit arises in our mind. Furthermore, the possibility of the piece of clothing not suiting our body is huge. Our very own app/website jumps in the situation to resolve all these issues.

The Idea

For the target audience, our new product is a solution for the problems mentioned in the previous slide regarding E-shopping. Our product will help the user in plethora of different ways. Our application will be largely based on advanced artificial intelligence and augmented reality. The AI in our app will help the user filter the clothes and accessories which will suit their complexion and body . Our AI will show the most appropriate products to our customer, this will solve the problem of endless searching and wandering around different sites. Furthermore, our AI and AR will create a 3D model of the user and the user can try the clothes on their 3D character and can interact with it. Moreover they will be able to easily figure out the clothes that look best on them.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Our AI and AR technology can be inacurate ocassionally and might not be able to create exact 3D model of our user.
  2. If the photos clicked by the user are not clear and appropriate then there is a possiblity that our AI and AR technology might not be able to create the expected 3D model.
