
A website which integrates canteens from different campuses, showing the menu and prices and enabling students and faculty to complete payment and book delicious food from different canteens spread ac

The problem Hack-N-Snack solves

Students and Faculty members often face problem of food unavailability because they often travel long distances to and from campus. We have devised a solution where we will be integrating all campus canteens to aid everyone have proper food. And also students need not worry about bringing cash with them for buying because if they have recharged the card with sufficient balance say Rs100 then they can buy food of their own choice

Challenges we ran into

We faced problems in designing the smart card where we have tried our best to enable hassle free experience so that students do not need to carry cash always. We also faced a few bugs while updating the shopping cart and doing automatic sum of purchases but we finally resolved it. Also we learnt a lot of JS while building the expense tracker
