
Empowering Safety: HackCDent3.0 - Redefining Road Safety with AI Vigilance, Blockchain Security, and Anonymous Incident Reporting for a Safer Tomorrow.


The problem HackCDent3.0 solves

Our product, HackCDent3.0, revolutionizes road safety by leveraging machine learning to detect accidents from CCTV footage, instantly sending snapshots with location and timestamps to authorities, storing evidence securely in a blockchain, and offering a platform for users to report incidents anonymously and apply for insurance, all while providing legal advice through an interactive chatbot.

Scenario 1: Accident Detection "HackCDent3.0 continuously monitors CCTV footage on roads and highways, promptly detecting accidents,storing them in blockchain and transmitting snapshots to emergency services.”

Scenario 2: Anonymous Reporting "Users can anonymously report accidents or incidents in areas without CCTV coverage through our website, ensuring timely response and data storage on the blockchain.”

Scenario 3: Insurance Application "Individuals can apply for insurance by providing blockchain-stored incident data as proof, streamlining the claims process.”

Scenario 4: Legal Advice "Our interactive chatbot offers legal advice and guidance related to accidents, empowering users with information.”

Challenges I ran into

Implementing the blockchain aspect proved challenging. Initially, storing image files using IPFS failed. Attempts with Helios also faced issues. The process of detecting accidents from CCTV, capturing, and securely sending to the blockchain encountered numerous bugs, demanding extensive debugging efforts.
