Hackathon FAQ bot

Hackathon Questions? Bot Has the Answers.

The problem Hackathon FAQ bot solves

We aim to build an FAQ bot that provides students with information about a student-led hackathon. The bot is designed to be interactive and engaging, with a fun and approachable tone. It provides students with information about the event, including the schedule, location, rules, and prizes. It also provides information about the registration process, and encourages students to register for the hackathon.
The bot is able to send reminders and updates to registered students, and is accessible to them via Telegram. It answers a wide range of questions about the hackathon and provides students with resources, such as tutorials and sample projects, to help them prepare.
The bot is very easy to use and navigate, and provides an excellent user experience.

Challenges we ran into

It was the first time for every member of the team to work on developing a bot. Our top priority was to make the bot fun and easy-to-use while ensuring that none of its functionalities were compromised.
The biggest challenge was deploying the bot on Telegram. The entire team worked hard to run the bot smoothly on the required platform.
