Created on 26th February 2022
All of us know how hard it can be to stick to a new habit. They require consistent motivation and perseverance.
Motivation can help us create, strengthen, and maintain productive habits. Knowing our why, having a reason for action that’s meaningful enough to us, can make all the difference in the things we habitually do.
When searching for new project ideas, the team unintentionally stumbled on the topic of habits. Discussing, we came on the conclusion that an app with a heatmap for habit tracking would really help us stick to our goals
We promise you HabitHeat is like no other habit tracker you’ve ever used before, it is designed to keep you motivated and to remind you why you’ve taken up a habit.
The idea and features are simple yet effective.
The app produces a heatmap of your habit allowing you to see your progress since you started it. Seeing a visually pleasing graph of your success in maintaining a habit, pushes you to keep ongoing.
The app has a “Why do I want to do this” section associated with every habit, motivating it each time you use it.
The app also has a feature that records your streaks. Increasing the stake of breaking a habit.
You can also share these stats on social media platforms with the press of a button.
All these combined give you reasons to continue the habit you’ve set for yourself.
If HabitHeat still hasn’t grabbed your attention, consider the Github/Leetcode heatmap. If you are a programmer, you know what I’m talking about. For everyone else, platforms like Github/Leetcode motivate you to program by gamifying the process, every time upload code on the website they make a graph that can be later shared.
Right from deciding which project we want to take up to integrating the frontend and the backend, we ran into challenges at every step.
Our biggest challenge perhaps was configuring the Node.js-MongoDB Backend with the Flutter Frontend.
Creating multiple functions for all the heatmaps in the app was another engaging part of making the app.
Yet, another challenge was integrating all the features in 24 hours of the hackathon, we are still working on the sharing of the stats on social media platforms on the press of a button and motivation quotes parts of the app.
Technologies used