Gyaan Setu

Gyaan Setu

Take notes by deleting them!!

The problem Gyaan Setu solves

We, as students and learners, are often stuck while going through hundreds of different resources –website and books – while searching for relevant material to help us in our exams, assignments and projects. Whether the purpose is to acquire notes for academics, or researching the market for our project idea, many invaluable hours are wasted going through all the random information that is thrown at us when we look up any topic, only parts of which are of any significance to us.

To address this issue and save all the wasted time researching, we present: Gyaan Setu.

We, as humans, need to process a lot of information coming our way simultaneously through various senses. Our brain knows to sort through all this data from an early age and pick out only the information that is important at the moment whilst deleting every other unnecessary detail. This is the most efficient method of learning we develop since we are born.

Seeking inspiration from this beautiful process, we have reimagined the very core of how students, teachers, researchers and developers actually take notes in their fields. In this sense, we have reimagined the very crux of learning by reimagining how you compile notes: not by inserting the useful information, rather by deleting the useless.

Gyaan Setu is a platform which works as a one-stop shop offering a simple and straightforward way to take notes, where all you do is input your topic of interest and let the algorithm curate the most relevant, concise and organized content for you. If any of the output is not required, all you need to do is delete it with a single click!

Challenges we ran into

  1. We spent a lot of time to create the algorithm to create notes and render the possible outputs, there are still few things left for the algorithm to ignore while searching for the content.
  2. As we have no experience in the UI/UX field, it took a long time to get to this design after considering the opinios of our peers. Their suggestions were the inspiration for this kind of UI.
