Gun Detection Using ML and python

I have built a code to detect guns in mp4 video, providing the user with the exact date and time of the incident. The code use ML and use python language.

Created on 13th November 2021


Gun Detection Using ML and python

I have built a code to detect guns in mp4 video, providing the user with the exact date and time of the incident. The code use ML and use python language.

The problem Gun Detection Using ML and python solves

The alarm beep helps the user especially the home surveillance to know about any gun shooting incident taking place and push notification to be sent. It Is a cheap alternative for home security and it can detect even mp4 video and not just amp.

Challenges I ran into

the push notification API system is a challenge for me. The difference between plastic toy guns and metal gun Is take in themselves and hence need funds to execute.

Technologies used


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