

Get a local guide instantly

The problem GuideMe solves

When we were reading reviews about a travel agency HeadOut, we were really satisfied with them. But there was this one review that caught our attention. It said, "The guide was not on time and the other guide took 1 hour to replace him". This statement made our brains run and think of a profitable business idea.
We decided to handle the 'Local Guides' part by ourselves.
The idea is to hire a 'Local Guide' for a specific destination and time which will be charged on an hourly basis.

The platform offers individuals and traveling organizations a convenient way to 'Hire Local Guides' based on their reviews and ratings.
The user can select between male or female guides + they can ask for a guide who speaks their native language.

We offer a clean and "Responsive Website for all devices"

#traveltrack #uiux

Challenges we ran into

Firstly, our team members were far away from each other, in this situation REPLIT helped us in fast and collaborative coding.
Secondly, we had a hard time finding an actual problem statement which can also be converted into a profitable business.

Tracks Applied (1)


our team members were far away from each other, in this situation REPLIT helped us in fast and collaborative coding.

