Too busy to read terms and conditions, we are here for you

The problem GUARDIANS OF INTERNET solves

Daily we all download many software for our daily purpose or even go to any website or submit any form which has "The Terms And Conditions".
Do you ever try to read what are those Terms And Conditions?
What does "Accept Terms And Conditions" do? What permissions you are going to grant, or give access to that software, app or the website (e.g., Camera, Microphone, Cookies, Reading Mails, etc.)?
Do you want to share them?
By not reading those Terms And Conditions and randomly allowing we are daily compromising our privacy
So, to save all of us from these type of cyber attacks and privacy hampering Softwares. We have Created GUARDIANS OF INTERNET.

Challenges we ran into

implementing machine learning algoritm with our own dataset.
using the tesseract ocr and image recognition
deplotying with lot of thing on heroku our size is increasing because of lot of packages
voice implementation and synthesis
