Guarded StableCoins

Stable Coins made secure for every possible scenario.

The problem Guarded StableCoins solves

One of the biggest problem with the collateral backed stablecoins is that whenever the price of crypto collateral falls in downward trend, the users who have opened Collateralized Debt Postition are always in the fear of liquidiation. They are left with the mainly two options:

  1. Either Close their CDP Vaults by repaying all the Borrowed stablecoins with interest.
  2. Keeping of increasing the amount of crypto-collateral as the price of collateral drops.

These both possible solutions are quite difficult to implement in real-world scenario.

The Guarded Stablecoin vaults have been integrated with Securities Smart Contract which prevents them from getting liquidated even when the price of crypto collateral keeps on falling with respect to pegged currency.

Whenever Users feel that the price of the collateral would be showcase a downward trend, they purchase the securities directly from the vault by paying a small amount of premium and disable any person from liquidating the vault for a certain amount of time.

Challenges I ran into

1.Development of Pool-based Securities Smart Contracts.

  1. Integration of StableCoin vaults with securities and oracle smart contracts.

  2. Determination of Pricing
