To the backbone of family.

The problem GRUHINI solves

Housewives, considered as the backbone of a family, devote their lives to their family and hardly take out time to create their own identity. Gruhini is a platform for all women who aspire to grow, connect and start a new self-dependent journey. If you are looking for a job opportunity or wish launch your own new product, Gruhini is the place for you. We have something for every Gruhini. We aim to set you free so that you don’t have to depend on someone. Women, especially in rural areas, are exploited and one such form of conducting this exploitation is by using ‘controlling behavior’ i.e., restricting access to financial resources. Hence, women who face abuse often have no option but to continue living in the same house with their abuser as they lack financial independence.

Challenges we ran into

Fetching data in real-time was tough as db updates didn't reflect without refresh. Most common solution to this was using useEffect hook and adding the db update as a dependency factor. However, this seeded into another bug, that won't show data on refresh. We temporarily solved it by putting a display button, that shows the data onClick(DOM update).
