A platform that allows a small store owner to build his own online community and turn his local customers into loyal. It rewards everyday consumers and makes the entire process feel like a game.

The problem GROW TO GLOW solves

  • It is a platform where small business owners want to grow their community and they also want to reward their loyal customers.
  • I are trying to make the process of buying from small shop owners much more interactive and rewarding via gamification and introducing concepts like seasons, membership levels, etc.
  • The customer gets to see a game, where levels are unlocked by buying more, and more often. As the levels progress, rewards go up. If he doesn't buy for some time, the concept which I am calling as season, their level reduces. They can choose to bypass levels by paying a token upfront.

Here's how this project helped all the stakeholders involved:

** Business Owner **

Build an online presence with a community.
Increased sales from customers at the cost of some profit percentage. (If the discount rates are set right, the business owner can make a profit).
** Customer **

Get discounts for everyday shopping.
** Developer/Business **

Make money from the store as an upfront fee.
Offer monetary credit to high-paying customers (Concept of a credit card). Make money from interest.
Take a cut from upfront payments for bypassing levels (gamification concept)

Challenges I ran into

  • Creating a backend server was a challenging task.
  • Integrating the Front-End and Backend turned out to be difficult that it would have been.
  • The schema was slightly tricky to get right and I spent a lot of time in struggling with it.
  • Ideation was the most difficult stage and I had to spend a lot of time in deciding how to make it a positive in every aspects.
