
An decentralised website/app to report and track environmental damages caused by industries to concerned authorithies and NGOs

Created on 9th August 2022



An decentralised website/app to report and track environmental damages caused by industries to concerned authorithies and NGOs

The problem Greensavers solves

Even with strict regulations against industries and institutions to protect the environment, the government can not track everybody. Environmental NGOs fill this gap by monitoring the activites and reporting the concerned authotithies.
But even they are limited to how much environmentally damaging activities they can investigate.

This is where the role of a comman being or a resident comes in. A resident can spot such activity, but often cant take any action due to many reasons.

To Fix this issue, we have made a decentralised website, which is hosted on IPFS, so anybody, including big industries will have a hard time taking it down. The User can raise an issue in the website by providing all neccessary details. Once the issue is logged, it is visible to the NGO, which can furhter get invovled in the case.

All files related to the Issue is stored on IPFS, and the frontend for the website itself is hosted on IPFS
We have also made a app wrapper in flutter, so it can be used on ios, android, windows, linux and macos too.


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