Created on 31st May 2021
Farmer exploitation is a very serious social issue in India, where traders often cartelize and agree upon a set of prices which will only benefit them. Farmers are often left underpaid for their effort.
Blockchain technology has enabled us to build a platform based on free market principles. This will ensure that the farmer gets a fair price for their produce.
Existing platforms are not sufficient for major problems which are faced by farmers/people in the current world. It also has educational barriers, which we will be trying to overcome through our app.
The technology will ensure there is minimal human intervention in the process of trading of goods. This will directly eliminate a lot of problems like - Cartelization of traders, price manipulation by big entities, hoarding supplies at a time of shortage etc.
This application will also educate farmers on how to be successful in their field, and live a happy life. The future aspect of our app is large, since day by day technology is penetrating deep into rural India.