Green Ninjas recycling System

We Developed a system for recycling the plastics in this user can visit our website and ask us for collecting recyclable plastics .


Green Ninjas recycling System

We Developed a system for recycling the plastics in this user can visit our website and ask us for collecting recyclable plastics .

The problem Green Ninjas recycling System solves

We Developed a system for recycling the plastics in this user can visit our website and ask us for collecting
recyclable plastics and then admin can send the valet to his house for the collection of recyclable plastics after the
collecting of plastics valet drop the plastic in recycle company.And user can also claim a reward After achieving his
green points for achieving a reward user will have to give a plastic for recyclable and then he or her get a 5 green
points,So after collecting 20 or more green points user can claim his reward example T-shirt,Hoodies.

Technologies used
