The problem Green Fort solves
- Time balance: We spend most of our lives doing routine activities
that fill our stomachs, provide us with shelter and security. Tired of
taking classes, going to work, or doing business. But amidst the chaos,
how much time do you actually spend doing things that put a smile on
your face? In this fast-paced world, you can slow down a bit and
focus on what you love.
- Mental health: mental well-being is the most important aspect of
your happiness. If you are not optimistic about the future, lack a
sense of purpose, or simply not be positive about yourself, your
happiness will naturally deteriorate. Your mental health is just as
important as your physical health.
- Learning arts and culture: Opportunities to learn and do what
you love make a significant contribution to your happiness. This
section also measures your experience of discrimination. Inclusion
and belonging are critical to well-being. Feeling left out reduces
happiness in many ways.
- Social support: Feelings of care and love are basic conditions for
human survival. Therefore, social support is necessary for human
well-being. In fact, it can create or break a person's mental state.
- Environment: Spending more time in nature increases the
production of serotonin (the happiness hormone) in your brain. The
benefits of spending time in a natural environment are countless.
Increases concentration, lifts mood, energizes, improves eyesight and
brings calmness. With the approaching climate change crisis like a
dark cloud caused by environmental destruction, people feel less
connected with nature than ever before
- Income and Employment: Although we say Money can’t buy
happiness but money is today’s medium through which some
necessity is fulfilled. If lower the employment rate, more dis-satisfied
or tense circumstances appear in one’s life causing deep effects on
overall happiness.
Our product, “GREEN FORT” is an app where u can buy and sell plant
products like plants, ayurvedic plants , medicinal plants
Challenges we ran into
More or less every product has its own limitations and so got our
product .Every service or product cannot reach out and help each and
everyone living out there.
The major limitation in our product is about reaching out to the extreme
countryside. Our product is a technology based one and we all know about
the technology awareness in some of the root level rural areas in some
countries especially in India . It is either in a development stage or still in
an underdeveloped stage. Almost everyone living in the present world uses
smartphones. Statistics show us nearly 6.648 billion people , that is 83.32%
of the people are using smartphones, which clearly shows that our app has a
less chance of touching the remaining people. And even in the huge
percentage of people who are using smartphones some of the people only
use them for their basic needs and they don’t know much about mobile. So,
it is also a kind of limitation.
And we all know that not every plant grows in every region . Some of
the rare species are confined to only particular temperatures and
surroundings. Even though we are trying to make that availability possible
to everyone as mentioned previously in the product mix points, we may still
miss out some of them.
But these limitations are very minimal in comparison to the other
extensions and unbounded benefits of our “GREEN FORT” app.