Created on 12th March 2023
Our Platform is an one stop progressive web app for photographers and also for people searching for one . It helps you to show your work , creates a your portfolio, generate aristic images mixing art with photography , get yourself hired as a photographer and generate revenue for yourself by selling your photos.
Increased competition: As digital technology has developed, the number of photographers has skyrocketed, resulting in intense competition in the industry.
Copyright infringement: Due to the simplicity of sharing photos online, there is a significant increase in the use of images without the photographer's consent or payment.
Pricing pressure: With the growth of amateur photographers and stock photo companies, pricing pressure has intensified, making it difficult for professional photographers to make a decent income.
Consumer behaviour is changing, which has an effect on the demand for professional photography services. Many individuals now take images with their cellphones.
Since cameras and editing tools continue to advance, photographers must constantly adapt in order to stay current and useful.
Piracy: The ease with which images can be copied digitally has significantly increased piracy, making it challenging for photographers to defend their work.
Graphos must also ensure that user data is secure and protected, as well as protect against hacking or other security threats.
For the model part to generate artistic image , due to the large size of the image , it couldn't be deployed
We also had problems in integrating stripe payment for buying photographs of professional photographers.
It was not an easy task to manage all these problems and make a full-fledged application within 24 hours, but we have overcome most of our challenges while building this application.
Graphos must also ensure that user data is secure and protected, as well as protect against hacking or other security threats.
We also had problems in integrating stripe payment for buying photographs of professional photographer.
It was not an easy task to manage all these problems and make a full fledged application within 24 hours, but we have overcome most of our challenges while building this application