
It comprises of web tech to give ease accessibility to know the availability of vaccines, Hospital & mobile vaccination details & form, vaccine updates by gov, doctor consulting with great, clean UI.

Created on 18th June 2021



It comprises of web tech to give ease accessibility to know the availability of vaccines, Hospital & mobile vaccination details & form, vaccine updates by gov, doctor consulting with great, clean UI.

The problem GoIndiaVaccinated solves

Live updates of vaccine availability in our zones and docotor consulting for doubt about health issuses and other common doubts .which are clarified and sent via message so anyone can use this without any difficulites ,and gives remainder notification on the day of vaccination which is schedule for us.By this web, people can enroled themselves and it groups the people and sent a common date and time message for vaccination so that we can reduce the wastage of vaccines

Challenges we ran into

Vaccine updates are done manualy so there may be some miskates . for that we make an update form for change that


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